Claudia Barros has a degree in Archaeology from the University of Minho (2018), and also a Master’s degree in Archaeology from the same institution (2022), with her dissertation titled “O Olhar de Gomes Eanes de Zurara sobre o Norte de Marrocos: estudo da paisagem de Alcácer Ceguer (Ksar Sghir)".
She is a member of CEHUM (Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho) e do NETCult (Núcleo de Estudos Transculturais da Universidade do Minho). Currently, she is preparing a research study on the attacks of the Hapiru in the Syria-Palestine. The main objective of the study is to investigate the origins of the Hapiru, based on five tablets from the Amarna Letters (18th Dynasty) and the Hurro-Hittite “Song of Release”, analyzing the motivations of these incursions into the Egyptian domains of the Levant.
She has published several articles in journals such as Egiptología 2.0 (Barcelona), El Aldabón - Gaceta Interna del Museo Nacional de las Culturas del Mundo (México), Fénix - Nova Acrópole (Lisboa) and Revista Minerva Universitária (Lisboa). She is a translator for the “World History Encyclopedia”, in the field of Assyriology and Egyptology.
She has participated in various excavations in Portugal (Boticas, Cardielos, Guimarães, Centro Histórico de Viana do Castelo) and in Morocco (Ksar Sghir). She has given interviews, conducted lectures and short courses on Landscape Archaeology, the Archaeology of Northern Morocco, Portuguese Medieval Chronicles, Egyptology, the Amarna Letters and the Hapiru, at institutions such as the Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Universidade do Porto (Porto) and Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia).
From an early age, an immeasurable passion for Ancient Egypt led her to follow in the footsteps of the pyramid builders. In 2021, she created the website “Ancient Egypt: What to know when you know nothing”, where she shares informative content about Ancient Egypt on a daily basis. She is responsible for the YouTube channel “Debaixo dos pés da Esfinge” where she demystifies some of the most controversial subjects of the Egyptian civilization.
Main interests: Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Egyptian Archaeology, Egyptology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Assyriology, North Moroccan studies, Amarna Letters, Amarna studies, Hapiru.
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English Original | Language | Translation | Translator |
First Dynasty of Egypt | Spanish | Primera Dinastía de Egipto | Cláudia Barros |
First Dynasty of Egypt | Portuguese | Primeira Dinastia do Egipto | Cláudia Barros |
Female Physicians in Ancient Egypt | Spanish | Mujeres en la Medicina en Antiguo Egipto | Cláudia Barros |
Female Physicians in Ancient Egypt | Portuguese | Mulheres na Medicina no Antigo Egipto | Cláudia Barros |
Cleopatra VII | Portuguese | Cleópatra VII | Cláudia Barros |
Most Popular Gods & Goddesses of Ancient China | Portuguese | Os deuses e deusas mais populares da Antiga China | Cláudia Barros |
Ahura Mazda | Portuguese | Ahura Mazda | Cláudia Barros |
The Coffin Texts | Portuguese | Os Textos dos Sarcófagos | Cláudia Barros |
Saturnalia | Portuguese | Saturnália | Cláudia Barros |
Ghosts in the Middle Ages | Portuguese | Fantasmas na Idade Média | Cláudia Barros |